Wednesday 12 October 2011

First 2 min analysis of Genre in the under 12 movie Toy Story.

  • Western (Bank robbery, saloon, western music, western toy revolver, western cartoon clouds, the intro of lead "Woody")
  • Children Movie (Bedroom, cloud children wallpaper, children logic e.g fantasy of ideas, miss spelled words, "force field word dog" and "Force field dog eating dino")
  • Family (relate to adult audience with old western, see the family, And, Molly and Mom0
  • Un realistic (Talking toys, animation)
  • Children/ family ( opening song "You've got a friend in me", playing in living room and bedroom like a real child, sense of relationship e.g Andy and Wood and Andy with his Mom and Andy with Molly, drawn cows)
  • Western (cow catching, lasso, canyon background painting, coeboy hat, coeboy toy "Woody", "Yee haw")
  • Children (Friendship e.g high five, stck with each ther)
  • Character movie ( Relationship with each other, toy, Andy, Molly, Mum, sense of history with Andy and Woody)
  • Children (desmember of Mr Potato head with mooly done childish comedy, western theme drawings and bed covers.)

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