Monday 14 November 2011

Stop Motion Stage

Here is the filming Set
with the web camera as the camera, using an old Lab claw to hold it with Lego set up as the Set. 

Not Aardman Studios but it will have to do.

Lego Liam Mason (Alfred)

Just Like Wallace and Gromit, Stop motion is when you take a picture and then move an object and then take another picture. Do it enough times and the object will move. 

Children's Film

children's film is a film aimed for children as its audience. As opposed to a family Movie, no special effort is made to make the film attractive for other audiences famous children's are like Toy Story, Monsters Inc. and Bugs Life. All children's film always resolve in a uplifting ending but consist of scary moments but still resolve with a happy conclusion. It could also consist in violence but only in a mild to light violence.

the characters within a children's film should be simple, but recognisable for children to understand with stereotypical villains and comic relief's.

Children's film should be morally positive and not depressing or dark with an Uplifting theme.

Genre's can be different in a children's film. Coming from a science fiction, to adventure to western but a mild horror genre that isn't too scary or disturbing for children. For example "Caspar". The film may or may not be about children, for example, like Bug's Life.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Our Final Film

Here is our final film

Saturday 29 October 2011

Film Openings

One of the intros that inspired our group was Breaking Bad. It captures a scientific sensibility, and it's use of the Periodic Table for text is something we implemented in our own film. It doesn't set up any characters but it's use of colours and the smoke trails create an atmosphere that suits the show.

The intros of Napoleon Dynamite and Nacho Libre were also inspirational with the use of physical titles. Nacho Libre's into also sets up the idea of a monk who dreams of being a wrestler effectively.

The intro sequence to This is England effectively captures the era through old footage. It has political footage, music, royal weddings and war, showing all aspects of the 80's not just fond nostalgia. Alongside the footage, it has a gritty looking font conveying the themes of the film. From this font the titles are lent a kind of power. Interestingly it never shows any of the characters from the film, just things relevant to them.

Children's Film

A children's film is one of very few genres to be totally based upon a target audience. They have to be suitable for kids, they can't contain extreme violence, bad language or any behaviour that's morally wrong if shown in a way that could be repeatable.

The genre of a kid's film could be anything,but the most common would be fantasy. But as long as it's suitable any genre could be used. For example Toy Story has elements of westerns, science fiction and a brief moment of horror but is a classic children's film.

Themes in children's film are usually uplifting, or when they're not contain a moral lesson. In fact all U rated films have to contain a moral structure.

The characters are usually simplistic or stock characters, so that they are easily recognisable in structure to children. The villains of a children's film will often be cartoonishly evil or pantomime-esque.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Final day of filming

Today we finished filming the scenes which involved going outside and using the lift. We are now starting the editing process and adding some photoshop in some scenes.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Two days of Filming

We've been filming for two days now. We've managed to make a scientist, thats heavily influenced by Dexter (from the lab). Also our practical titles seem to be working. Tomorrow we'll finish the film, by filming the outside bullying scene.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Austin's Props

Gloves, Goggles and Robbie the Robot collectors edition toy

Thursday 13 October 2011

First 2 minutes of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory 1971

The common aspects that Willy wonka and the chocolate factory would be at the beginning as the Warner Brothers Family Entertainment logo with Bugs Bunny appears in the opening sequence to open the film with its orchestral music.

The theme in the opening is based on chocolate and shows the production of the chocolate and how it’s made with a light music. Its props and scenes consist of liquid chocolate, cocoa beans in a sack, cocoa powder, bars going through chocolate on a conveyor belt and being topped with chocolate with a machine.

The lighting and focus of the scenes were on the liquid chocolate, the cocoa powder and the chocolates being made in the background. Effects were used to fade out from one part of the chocolate being made to other parts showing the chocolate being finished. The shows used were mostly close ups of the chocolate being made while there were only a couple medium shots showing the mass production of the chocolates. Within the opening there are no other characters other than Bugs Bunny and no narrative and dialogue as the chocolate production was self-explanatory.

Storyboard 2



Prop list

- Gloves, Austin
- Goggles, Zak and Austin
- Labcoat, Drama
- Test tubes, Zak
- Beakers?
- Glasses ,Zak
- Periodic table sheet, Zak
- Periodic table mug, Zak
- Masking tape, Zak
- Robot, Austin

Last work before filming commences

Work on storyboard and finding a location for some scenes. Looking around places such as the drama department and if it is empty during one of our lessons. Wedgie scene may be done on the field since it is nice and open however outside scenes may be limited due to poor weather conditions, we'll just have to see on the days. New ideas on scenes such as Alfred "waddling" away and putting on his science clothing.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Lab Items


A few lab things I found in a set

Study of Conventions in Kid's FIlms

“Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang” opens with a typical tracking shot of a forest and farm with narration, using child friendly words. It then has the frantic yelling of many kid’s films, with humor that would appeal to them due it to it being aimed at an adult.

The situation was also typical of a kid’s film, having a mum quickly preparing for the arrival of guests and getting far more stressed than the kids.

The costumes are the usual clean-cut clothes of a kid’s film but due it to being set in the past represent the era.

The music is upbeat and happy but slow, keeping a cheery but relaxed mood.

First 2 min analysis of Genre in the under 12 movie Toy Story.

  • Western (Bank robbery, saloon, western music, western toy revolver, western cartoon clouds, the intro of lead "Woody")
  • Children Movie (Bedroom, cloud children wallpaper, children logic e.g fantasy of ideas, miss spelled words, "force field word dog" and "Force field dog eating dino")
  • Family (relate to adult audience with old western, see the family, And, Molly and Mom0
  • Un realistic (Talking toys, animation)
  • Children/ family ( opening song "You've got a friend in me", playing in living room and bedroom like a real child, sense of relationship e.g Andy and Wood and Andy with his Mom and Andy with Molly, drawn cows)
  • Western (cow catching, lasso, canyon background painting, coeboy hat, coeboy toy "Woody", "Yee haw")
  • Children (Friendship e.g high five, stck with each ther)
  • Character movie ( Relationship with each other, toy, Andy, Molly, Mum, sense of history with Andy and Woody)
  • Children (desmember of Mr Potato head with mooly done childish comedy, western theme drawings and bed covers.)

Opening Inspired by.......

 Mad scientist opening with huge backgrounds of the labatory and the  tunnel tube enterence should be used.

Beginning Ideas

Thinking about ideas for the beginning for the film. Still thinking about the main title of the film. However we have ideas for the beginning few seconds of the sequence. Twisted Head Films on a black background will fade to Alfred, the main character getting a wedgie from Jack the Jock with my name appearing on the underwear.

Monday 10 October 2011

Understanding Age Ratings

  • PGs 
  • Can contain natural nudity
  • Drugs can be presented as long as there is anti drugs message attached
  • Discrimination is not allowed unless anti-discrimination message or historical
  • Moderate violence, diffused by comedy or fantasy
  • Frightening sequences should not be prolonged or intense
  • Imitable Behaviour: No dangerous actions
  • No glamorizing guns
  • Mild language
  • Deal with serious themes in an appropriate way
  • U's
  • No discrimination
  • No drug reference, unless anti-drug
  • Mild violence
  • Mild horror with reassuring outcome
  • Natural nudity
  • Kiss as far as sex goes
  • Sensitive and appropriate themes for children
  • Moral structure

Prelim Task

Sorry about quality
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